I've lost track of the number of students that have asked me about the LHC, or expressed a slight worry that the world was going to end yesterday.
Obviously the world did not end, but for those that want a very quick overview go to youtube here:
The ATLAS experiment is also on youtube. Check them both out.
I'm sorry it's in rap. But it's actually not that bad.
But that's not what triggered this post. Apparently an uncritical media and a culture of credulity over LHC fears has resulted in a suicide in India. This is why critical thinking is important. Our media reports what people are saying, but sadly is often more concerned with being 'fair' to both sides than giving a clear indication where the evidence lies.
The Bad Astronomer said it far more eloquently than I ever could.
Back to studying.
Ron Neufeld
Canada's Best Boarding School
Why Religion Really Doesn’t Have the Upper Hand over Science
There have been numerous anti-atheist articles popping up recently, mostly
on Salon but elsewhere too. That’s their right, but you would think they
would a...
10 years ago