Thursday, September 11, 2008

Be Doubtful

I've lost track of the number of students that have asked me about the LHC, or expressed a slight worry that the world was going to end yesterday.

Obviously the world did not end, but for those that want a very quick overview go to youtube here:

The ATLAS experiment is also on youtube. Check them both out.

I'm sorry it's in rap. But it's actually not that bad.

But that's not what triggered this post. Apparently an uncritical media and a culture of credulity over LHC fears has resulted in a suicide in India. This is why critical thinking is important. Our media reports what people are saying, but sadly is often more concerned with being 'fair' to both sides than giving a clear indication where the evidence lies.

The Bad Astronomer said it far more eloquently than I ever could.

Back to studying.


Ron Neufeld
Canada's Best Boarding School

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When I say Bleed, You say Blue

There are sporting events in which multitudes cheer their favourites, shaking the very foundations of the stadium with their cries. There are teams whose fans are fiercely loyal, supporting their team in every possible way. There are events in which the entire world gathers to determine who is the best of the best. Mighty though they are, these are but pale shadows to “Orientation Fun & Games Night”, where the fan and the competitor are but one and the same. Thrown from the four corners of the earth, we had competitors from nearly every continent. In the end the blue Privett Ram knocked out the orange pirates, red bulls, and green unicorns. There’s a reason our house is the colour of first placed.

Bleed – Blue!

Number one! Tonight was an amazing night, the teamwork and the co-operation was extraordinary! The future of Privett house is looking very bright. - Fraser

The competition was fierce but the boys and girls of Privett prevailed. The amazing teamwork and cooperation by “The Team in Blue” was a clear advantage over the other houses. Brentwood’s future is a blue dawn. - Taylor

Privett and all of its men and women were very impressive. The combination of competitiveness and house spirit exhibited by the new students was extraordinary. This excellent combo propelled Privett to its first (but of course not its last) Interhouse win this year. – Myles

House spirit and competitive drive was strong, and propelled us to a fun night of winning. Despite biased judges and cheating opponents, we pulled out an easy win against the pitiful Whittall, Ellis, and Rogers. – Mike

Fun and games marked the first of many victorious days for Privett this year on our quest towards the glorified Interhouse Trophy. Privett proved to be a tough competitor on the day and finished strongly to crush the opponents. Well Done Boys! – Dillon

This year’s annual fun and games extravaganza marked yet another win for Privett house, a feat that was both triumphant and inevitable. Never again will the inferior houses underestimate the cataclysmic power of the ram. Go Privett!! - Kyle

Bleed – Blue!

Canada's Best Boarding School

(Once I get some pictures I'll edit them in.)