Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Darwin Day!

Happy Darwin Day!

Wordle: On the Origin of Species
(Click to embiggen.)

Via, it's the text of Darwin's classic On the Origin of Species, with the words that appear most often scaled to appear equivalently larger.

Teh Intertubes. Is there anything it can't do?


Ron Neufeld
Canada's Best Boarding School

Links for Darwin Day :

Six-minute Tree of Life video that appeared on the BBC One programme 'Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life' narrated by David Attenborough.

Darwin Day Celebration

Heat the Hornet by Richard Dawkins

Nature has some great podcasts on Darwin.

A virtual Evolution Lab (it's sorta like a game...)


This isn't evolution, but it looks like a cool version of evolution.

Updates of student suggested links:

Darwin on Wikipedia

The Darwin Awards (of course)

Devolve Me - see what you'd look like as an early human!

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